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Boss asks employee to choose between WFH or ‘Just chill’. Worker selects….

Social media is flooded with stories of toxic workplaces and bosses. Amid the sea of negative sentiments, a story found its way onto Threads, leaving people smiling. It is about a boss texting an employee to work from home (WFH) or “just chill” for the day. Social media is in awe of the manager, with many expressing envy for having such a considerate boss.
“This is a text from my boss. My boss knows I’m immunocompromised. My boss protects me and allows reasonable accommodations to keep me healthy. We need more bosses like my boss. I absolutely love my boss and team and I’m so grateful,” reads the caption of a post.
A screenshot shared alongside shows the boss texting the employee that some of the staff members are suffering from colds. Hence, the employee can WFH or alternatively take the day off. Which option do you think the worker chooses?
People were amazed by the boss’ gesture and expressed the same in the comment section. An individual commented, “This is an awesome boss.” Another expressed, “What an incredible boss.”
A third commented, “Best boss. See, we don’t hate all bosses. That kind is awesome.” A fourth wrote, “I wish your boss was my boss. I too am immunosuppressive, due to needing specialist medication to control my asthma. It works but I sometimes fall ill with colds/flu and he says he supports me but stabs me in the back!”
The screenshot is posted on a Threads page, “Quit By Text”. The page’s bio says it is a “safe & supportive community for those who want to share stories, to inspire and empower, breaking the stigma of quitting and helping others.”
What are your thoughts on this “keeper” boss?
